Pregnancy & Birth with Dr. Boyd

What to Do After an Unplanned Pregnancy

You just found out you are pregnant, and now you want to make sure you are prepared to have a healthy pregnancy!

If you just found out that you are pregnant, and it was unplanned, don’t be alarmed about your health. 50% of pregnancy’s in America are unplanned. You are NOT alone your situation. Now you just need to take a few steps toward the best pregnancy possible!

My name is Dr. Marc Boyd, I am a Board-Certified OB/GYN, I have been in practice for over 25 years, and I have a passion for helping equip women with the knowledge and guidance they need to give birth naturally.

Before I go any further, I want to mention the FREE Pearently Natural Birth Workbook! This 4 Step Process is a great start if you are considering a med-free birth. Click the button below to download the workbook…


1. Confirm pregnancy

I know this may sound silly, but you would not believe how many women showed up at my office thinking they were pregnant and it turned out they were not.

How does this happen? Well, many women miss their period and immediately assume that they are pregnant. So, the first step I always tell women is to take a test to confirm pregnancy.

The best time to take a pregnancy test is early in the morning. Your urine contains the highest level of HCG in the morning, which means you will get the most accurate result in the morning.

2. Start a prenatal vitamin

At Pearently, we recommend two prenatal vitamins

► MegaFood Baby and Me 2 —

► Pink Stork —

These prenatal vitamins have what you need for a healthy pregnancy. If you want to learn more about prenatal vitamins you can watch/read the post about prenatal vitamins.

Click Here!

I also recommend that you take extra folic acid in addition to your prenatal vitamin. Take 1 mg of folic acid everyday to decrease your babies risk of a neural tube defect.

3. Calculate gestational age

It is important to establish dating as your doctor’s receptionist will ask you this question when you call to make your first OB visit. Calculating gestational age is used to determine your due date.

Think back to the date of the first day of your last period. Count from that date to now for your gestational age. Example: the first day of your last period was March 1st, and now it is the middle of April. You are approximately six weeks pregnant.

4. Schedule a prenatal visit

Call your doctor or midwife’s office to make your first prenatal appointment. The office might schedule your appointment out 9-12 weeks. Don’t be alarmed as this is normal.

Be ready with a list of information at your first prenatal visit. You will be asked about your last menstrual period, medical history, obstetrical history, family medical history, medications, and allergies. 

This is an exciting time, and delivery day will come before you know it! Prep work for a smooth and successful vaginal birth is so important. 

Do you want some help making a plan for birth? Download the FREE Natural Birth Workbook. This 4 Step Process is a great start if you are considering a med-free birth. Download below…

Best Wishes!

Dr. Boyd


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Disclaimer: Please discuss any healthcare information found on this channel with your healthcare provider. Pearently exists as a source of information and knowledge and in no way can we determine whether or not any of the information is specifically best for your individual case without conducting an in-person assessment. With that in mind, we are grateful to share this information with you and we hope that you find success in your journey to achieve a happy and healthy pregnancy, labor, and delivery.

– Sincerely, Team Pearently.

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