Pregnancy & Birth with Dr. Boyd

What is Implantation Bleeding or Spotting?

Question of the day: What is implantation bleeding or spotting?

Implantation bleeding can occur three to seven days after conception (some research also indicates three to twelve days).

The fertilized egg is in the fallopian tube where conception occurs. Rapid division of your baby’s cells allows it to move down the fallopian tube and arrive in the uterus (his or her new home).

The fertilized egg starts the process of burrowing itself into the uterine cavity, and this can cause bleeding or spotting.

Realize, however that this bleeding could be a sign of an early menstrual cycle rather than pregnancy.

Is implantation bleeding a concern?

The answer is universally, “no”. Implantation bleeding itself is not a concern. But there are other reasons for bleeding in early pregnancy, and you need to be aware of these reason.

*Check out my post on the four major identifiable factors that cause bleeding in early pregnancy. CLICK HERE: