Pregnancy Health & Help

Top 5 Organic Drinks For a Healthy Pregnancy

(and childbirth!)

Whether you are in your first trimester nauseated and throwing up all the time..

Whether you are in your second trimester, you have some energy, and now all of the sudden you want to work out!…

Top 5 Organic Drinks For a Healthy Pregnancy

Or if you are in your third trimester, sweating because you are carrying a watermelon, and you can just sit there and sweat…

Top 5 Organic Drinks For a Healthy Pregnancy

You need to replenish the fluids!

“What can I drink?”

Well, I can’t drink WINE.

I can’t drink BEER.

I can’t drink kombucha.

I shouldn’t drink anymore COFFEE.

Gatorade? Too much sugar!

“Well, WHAT should I drink?”

Hey, Mama. I’m Annabelle, nurse, birth doula, and Mom. I am going to recommend 5 drinks for you to enjoy while you are going through your pregnancy, childbirth, and recovery! 

I also want to recommend getting involved in a childbirth class as you prepare for birth. A class will help you prepare for all that birth has to offer. You can take your first step by making a plan, and I have a simple 4 step process in my free workbook below. 

ONE: Water

Water is very important in life, but especially when you are pregnant. You lose water simply by talking. If you go outside and sweat you are loosing even MORE water (I sweat a lot when I go outside…Florida life).

Replenish that water supply! You are pregnant, and your baby is swimming around in a little pool full of amniotic fluid (water). We don’t want that pool to lose fluids because an empty pool is a PARTY FOUL!

We recommend that you drink at least 100 oz. of water per day (12+ glasses of water per day).

Perhaps you don’t like drinking water… Well then, JAZZ it up with some lemon, lime, cucumber, or strawberries to give it that little kick of flavor.

"What if I am THROWING UP like crazy...what should I be drinking?"

TWO: Coconut Water

Coconut water is full of electrolytes. We want to make sure you are replacing your calcium, sodium, phosphorus, and magnesium. All of those little micro-nutrients that are so important when you are growing a little bundle of joy inside of you.

Click Here to Order Coconut Water on Amazon!

Make yourself feel like you are at the BEACH or something.

"But what if I don't like coconut water?"

Nooma has coconut water in it, but it also has other organic ingredients to make that coconut water more enjoyable!

Nooma has no added sugar, which is a plus because a lot of the sports drinks have added sugar (NOT good). We are trying to avoid gestational diabetes here, not increase your chances.

FOUR: Roar!

Not the song by Katy Perry, the DRINK!

Click here to order Roar on Amazon!

Roar is another organic drink with a lot of electrolytes and very little sugar! Did I mention it is ORGANIC…. BUZZ BUZZ BUZZ. Gotta get that organic life!

In all seriousness, your baby is growing directly from the nutrients you put in your body. So, we encourage you to grow organic babies! 😉 What you consume is what your baby consumes (nutrients or chemicals?)

FIVE: Bone broth!

EHHH OHHH…. Ok, what’s bone broth…

Well, it is kinda like chicken broth or beef broth.

Click here to order bone broth on Amazon!

If you are a vegetarian then try vegetable broth (maybe it will work for you), but if you are a carnivore like myself and others then this is a great way to re-supply your body with the nutrients you need.

Bone broth helps with nausea, and it has a lot of micro-nutrients: phosphorus, magnesium, and calcium.

If you are not a big milk drinker then we definitely recommend bone broth as it will re-supply the calcium Baby needs to grow.

Bone broth has amino acids, which will add protein to your body for strength, repair, and recovery during your pregnancy.

Bone broth contains collagen that will keep your skin looking tight and strong (oh belly!).


This is all great information. All of these amazing drinks for your pregnancy. But are you feeling a little lost when you think about birth?

Let's go deeper.

Let’s talk about your fears and doubts in childbirth. Are you thinking: “I don’t know what to do, and there is so much information out there. I am tired of reading all of these blogs, apps, and articles with ALL this information. I wish someone would help me!”

I will. Pearently will do all the prep work for you so that you can be ready to give birth naturally as a strong an confident mama.

Do you want some help making a plan for birth? I have created my FREE Natural Birth Workbook just for you. This 4 Step Process is a great start if you are considering a med-free birth. Download below…

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