Pregnancy & Birth with Dr. Boyd

When Does Implantation Occur After Conception?

Implantation occurs after conception.

You had sex, the sperm from your husband swims through your vagina, traverses your uterus, and meets your egg somewhere in the mid-fallopian tube. One winning sperm penetrates and fertilizes your egg, and at this point, conception occurs. Pregnancy has begun.

Your new baby is a small clump of cells that begin to divide rapidly and move down the fallopian tube to enter the uterus. This entrance into the uterus happens approximately 3 – 10 days after conception. Then your baby burrows itself into the uterus to create his/her life support, the placenta. This process of burrowing is called implantation. This process of burrowing occurs anywhere from 3 – 12 days after conception.

*Note: implantation can cause spotting. This is normal. If you have further concerns, talk to your healthcare provider.

Congratulations, Mama. You are growing and carrying a precious life. 

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