Pregnancy & Birth with Dr. Boyd

What To Do When You Find Out You Are Pregnant?

Just because your pregnancy was unplanned doesn't mean it is unwanted.

Dr. Boyd has over 26 years of experience helping women deliver their babies safely into this world. He loves to help women get off on the right foot in pregnancy to help them have a safe and healthy pregnancy every step of the way!

When you find out you are pregnant and it was unplanned that simply means you did not set out purposefully to have a baby. It does not mean your pregnancy is unwanted. In the United States, there are 3 Million pregnancies per year and 50% of those pregnancies are unplanned.

So, 1.5 million women need to take a moment to read this post or watch this video (that would be amazing, right?!). There are four things I want to discuss today when talking about what to do after you find out you are pregnant. Continue reading below…

1. Make Sure You Are Pregnant

A lot of women simply think they are pregnant because they have missed a period. However, it is important to have objective evidence. A urine pregnancy test is a great way to confirm objectively that you are pregnant. Use First Response Pregnancy for 99% accuracy. 

You should perform a urine pregnancy test with the first urine of the morning. This will give you the most accurate reading on your pregnancy test.

If the first test says positive, then you are pregnant.

After you get over the shock/excitement factor that you are in fact pregnant, it is crucial to take this next step.

2. Prenatal Vitamins

Start yourself on prenatal vitamins. My favorite prenatal vitamin is MegaFood Baby and Me (Click Here to purchase on Amazon – ) Most prenatal vitamins will have all of the elements necessary for you and your baby to decrease the risk of any possible defects.

It is also very important to take 1 MG of folic acid in addition to your prenatal vitamin that has folic acid in it. This will help decrease your baby’s risk of developing a neural tube defect. (Click here to purchase on Amazon – )

Make sure to take both of these supplements everyday.

3. Establish Your Gestational Dating

Understanding when you became pregnant is very important.

You can calculate your gestational age by going back to the first day of your last menstrual period. That is day one. Then move forward to the present day. That is the number of days/weeks you are pregnant.

So, if you had your last menstrual period on March 1st and now it is April 15th you are approximately 6.5 weeks pregnant.

Your healthcare provider will want to know how far along you are.

4. Call Your Healthcare Provider

You need to set up a prenatal appointment.

If you have a previous history of high-risk pregnancy situations such as high blood pressure, emergency C-Section, significant blood loss during delivery, anemia, etc… make sure you identify that with the secretary upon scheduling your appointment. This will help them determine when you need to be seen for your first visit.

In high-risk pregnancies, women need to be seen sooner (1 – 3 weeks). Low-risk pregnancies can wait longer to be seen (4 – 6 weeks).

These are the four things that I want you to do when you discover you are pregnant. These actions will decrease your risk for complications in your pregnancy.

I hope you feel a little more prepared for your pregnancy after discussing some of these important details.

Though you recently discovered you are pregnant, delivery day will come fast. Prep work is so important for a smooth and successful vaginal birth! 

Do you want some help making a plan for birth? Download the FREE Pearently Natural Birth Workbook. This 4 Step Process is a great start if you are considering a med-free birth. Download below…