Pregnancy Health & Help

Walking in Peace in your Pregnancy

It is not uncommon to experience fear and anxiety in your pregnancy...

Hey Mama, I’m Annabelle, nurse, birth doula, and Mom. I am passionate about helping Moms like you.

You are pregnant and now responsible for caring for a human being. The question is: “How do I manage the fear & anxiety, and walk in peace in my pregnancy?”

We Mamas tend to fret about our baby’s health, how our life and relationships are changing, and our ability to be a courageous Mom. But, we have avenues for strength and help to deal with that anxiety.

Communication is a key player in reducing anxiety. Talk to your husband about what you are going through, your fears and doubts suffocating your mind, and your need for support. This will exponentially help relieve some of the weight.

Your husband probably has his own anxieties festering, and maybe he doesn’t want to look weak by expressing them to you. By opening up the conversation you can help him help you. You both can be open with each other, get some air in the room, and reduce your stress level for a healthy body and baby.

How can you practice managing your anxiety?

1. Meditation and prayer

God is our Sustainer, and the Holy Spirit is our Helper. Find time everyday to sit down with God’s Word, spend time thinking about His promises, and pray for His strength. The enemy desires nothing else but to steal your joy in this season of life. We need to constantly feed our mind and spirit with the Bread of Life.

2. Ask for help

As Mamas, we want to be strong and capable all of the time. I think we are trying to prove to ourselves and those around us that we CAN carry, deliver, and care for the baby growing within us (alone). However, this ‘proving thing’ can bite us back because too much to do builds pressure and fatigue. We will just end up crashing. Try to put the mama ego aside, and be okay with help from your husband, mom, sisters, and friends. They want to help, they are just waiting for the queue.

3. Exercise and Stretch

Movement, increased heart rate, and flexibility work wonders with clearing the mind, and reducing cortisol levels. Go for a swim, a walk, and a yoga class. You may even get to laugh at yourself and your abilities, which is great because laughter absolutely, scientifically reduces anxiety and stress!


4. Talk about it

Talk about your fears, doubts, uncertainties, and emotions with your husband, friends, and family. Don’t stash up all of your feelings. Our mind has a tricky way of maximizing and being unrealistic with a little bit of information. So, whenever you have a thought that grows to be more than you can handle, then make sure you talk to someone about it. Don’t hold it inside.


5. Get good information

Focus on helpful pregnancy and birth information, not the nay-saying info. There is plenty of “scary horror story” information on the internet and in the words of many women you will probably talk to during your pregnancy. Try to get the information you need to feel equipped and confident, but not overwhelmed!

Because of my passion to help Moms like you, I have created an online birth course that walks moms through my strategic 4 step process. This is the process I created while I was pregnant and preparing for birth. 

Do you want some help making a plan for birth? I have created my FREE Natural Birth Workbook just for you. This 4 Step Process is a great start if you are considering a med-free birth. Download below…