Plan for BirthResolved for Birth

The truth about natural birth – you’ve been lied to

Now is the time to learn how to work with your natural hormones AND NOT disrupt the process. Now is the time to encourage the little chemical messengers that help you give birth naturally.

Now is the time to get ready for your birth journey. Take your next step by downloading the FREE workbook below to get Annabelle’s 4 Step Process to a birth you will love to remember.

Decisions you make about how you want your birth to happen can nurture or disrupt your body’s hormones that are important in labor and birth. 

Let’s talk about the steps your body takes to birth your baby. These steps have to do with the hormones in charge of the birth of your baby. A ready baby and placenta might be what triggers labor. Your baby is going to release some chemicals that tell your body that he or she is ready to be born. 

During this time, your body is going to release prostaglandins that help your cervix soften, open, and thin out.

Once your body and baby are ready, labor will begin!

Natural oxytocin increases during pregnancy, releases in pulses during labor, and peaks with birth of your baby. It is released into circulation for uterine contractions and released in cerebrospinal fluid to influence the brain for better bonding with baby.

Oxytocin will begin to be released in waves or pulses as stated above. Oxytocin gives mom nurturing behavior. Oxytocin evokes feelings of trust, empathy, calmness, contentment and reduces anxiety and fear. 

Oxytocin…causes contractions, and those contractions lead to cervical change that speeds labor along.

Unfortunately, oxytocin can be disrupted by epidural analgesia because of the actual medication as well as the fact that it takes away mom’s pain (no pain = no oxytocin) 

Synthetic oxytocin (Pitocin) is often given to moms that have epidurals placed during labor. Pitocin is released into circulation to cause contractions, but it is not released into the cerebrospinal fluid. This steals the feelings of trust, empathy, calmness, and contentment from mom during childbirth. 

Endorphins are released during natural childbirth in response to oxytocin and pain. Endorphins give mom an altered state of consciousness to help her cope with labor pain. They help mom feel alert and happy after birth.

Unfortunately, endorphins are also disrupted by epidural analgesia and the drop in endorphins is thought to cause postpartum blues.

Adrenaline can be released during labor if mom feels anxious and unsafe. Adrenaline is released for survival mode, and it can slow labor until mom can get into a safe environment for birth. Unfortunately, adrenaline can slow labor, cause more pain, and distress baby. Adrenaline released in the first stage of labor is not desirable. 

However, it is good if a little bit of adrenaline is released during the second stage of labor (pushing). It gives mom a burst of energy to effectively push.

We want to learn as Mamas how to promote these hormones at the right times during childbirth. 

How to promote these hormones?

  • Preparedness of mind and a good supportive team (birth coach) 
  • Calm, quiet, dark environment at home and at your birthing location
    • What is your environment at home and at a birthing location? 
    • Are you prepared to say NO to interventions that make you feel uncomfortable or put you in more pain? 
  • Say “NO” to pain-reducing medications like the epidural. 

Now is the time to get ready for your birth journey. Take your next step by downloading the FREE workbook below to get Annabelle’s 4 Step Process to a birth you will love to remember.

Disclaimer: This is for educational purposes only. This should not be taken as medical advice or take the place of what your healthcare provider recommends. This is educational information not medical advice.