Dad Tips in Pregnancy & Birth

Can I Have Sex With My Wife During Pregnancy?

When my wife became pregnant I was VERY curious if this meant NO MORE sex.

Sex during pregnancy is a thought that most men have very shortly after finding out that their wife is pregnant.

I will add, if you were having sex EVERYDAY before she got pregnant then you might be sad to know that it might tune back to 2 – 3 days per week… sorry Bro! There are some women that have an increased sex drive during pregnancy. If your wife is one of those women then congrats, and enjoy the intimate time with your wife.

First and foremost, yes! You can have sex with your wife while she is pregnant. The mucus plug within the cervix protects your growing baby from any bacteria that might try to work its way up into his/her new home.

Now, Mama may not want to have sex, and that is where the discussion between you two must take place. 

Your wife is creating a human being inside of her. This takes a tremendous amount of energy, nutrients, and resources from your wife, and it will often leave her tired. So, talk to her, see how she is feeling before you go all out: “Let’s have sex!”

You may be thinking, “What all goes into creating a baby, and how can I help better prepare with my wife for our baby to come?”

Well, I am glad you asked. At Pearently we have a proven process to help Mamas give birth naturally while feeling supported by Dad and a birth coach (Maybe it’s Dad). Annabelle has created an online childbirth class for Moms to take at home (or anywhere). This class has a community where Mom can interact with other Moms and talk to Annabelle on weekly live group video calls.

So, if you want to score some points, you can serve Mom during pregnancy rather than just asking for sex by looking into Pearently Natural Birth course.

In the third trimester of your wife’s pregnancy, she may read that having sex during the final weeks of pregnancy can help to naturally induce labor. This has not been scientifically proven, but it might help. So, hey, if your wife is asking to have sex then enjoy that time with her.

After Birth-day Sex?

What about after your wife gives birth to your new baby? Clinically, most healthcare providers say that you should wait 6 weeks after your wife gives birth. She will go to a doctors visit 6 weeks after giving birth and get the all clear to have sex once again.

Be sensitive though. If your wife tore during delivery, she may be nervous or fearful about having sex again. Make sure you talk about this and hear her out.

Let us team up with you and your wife to help her have the best birth experience possible! At Pearently we have everything she needs for a beautiful natural birth experience.