Pregnancy & Birth with Dr. Boyd

Birth Story and Beyond

It is time to think about where you are going and what to do when you get there! 

Yes, birth and motherhood is a big deal, and we want you to be prepared. You have a pregnancy story. It has developed as you have announced your pregnancy, seen your baby on the ultrasound, felt your baby kick, and more! 

You will also have a birth story. 

What will it be? Will it be a positive story or a negative story? Will you know what happened to even make a story out of it? First, the more information that you have now and during birth, the less anxiety you will have going into birth and on the other side of birth. So, begin to write down your thoughts on birth and be ready to write down what happened at birth.

Download the FREE Natural Birth Workbook! This 4 Step Process is a great start if you are considering a med-free birth. Click the button below to download the workbook…

Your birth story will start in labor: false labor, early labor, active labor, and birth. Pay attention to your body and surroundings, and think through the process as it happens. Your birth story is important for you, for your future pregnancies, and for future doctors. If you get to postpartum and don’t understand what happened, then ask questions. Ask your nurse, and ask your doctor. I understand that not every doctor is a good communicator, but still, ask questions! 

Write your story down, and tell other Mamas your story. This step is part of learning, closure, and your mental well-being. 

After you give birth, you immediately enter your fourth trimester. This trimester is the time after you give birth and ends at six weeks postpartum

It is so important that you give birth to a healthy baby, but it is equally important to consider this: “What happens to Mama after she gives birth?” 

Now is the time to prepare for the fourth trimester, before you even get to that point. We know that the fourth trimester is an ongoing process, and it should be addressed by your healthcare provider. There is no reason for you as a Mama to not get good care while you are in such a fragile time after birth. 

Your body has changed, it is recovering, and your whole world around you has changed. This brings physical, emotional, spiritual, and psychological circumstances. Your whole body, emotionally, spiritually, psychologically, and physically are still in a pregnant-like state, and you need good care still. 

Your mood and emotional well-being need to be monitored. You had massive doses of estrogen while you were pregnant, and the levels drop dramatically after birth. Estrogen makes you feel happy, which means that low estrogen can cause depression, anxiety, fatigue, and physical discomfort. 

Think about infant care and feeding. You may want to nurse your newborn. Do you have someone around you to ask questions to when nursing is difficult? Ask your mother, sisters, and friends to help. 

Contraception and birth spacing is a big deal after birth. Your husband may crave sex and not get it for a while. He needs to be informed beforehand so that he can cope with the circumstances. Yes, sex is painful for some women after birth, especially if she has tissue that tears during vaginal delivery or C-Section. Maybe Mama wants to have sex right after birth. Well, it is important to know that you can ovulate three weeks after birth! You need to talk to your doctor about birth control options so that you don’t conceive when you aren’t quite ready yet. 

Motherhood brings many concerns about sleep and fatigue. This needs to be addressed beforehand so that no one has to suffer through it. Think about how will you get adequate sleep (enough to function). Maybe your mother can help, or maybe your husband needs to apply for FMLA (family medical leave act) so that he can help you at home. Please make a plan for this.

Your body has many needs after birth. So, it is important to take actions that aid physical recovery from birth. Some Mamas have complicated deliveries, and some don’t. Your body needs to recover either way, even though you are taking time to care for your baby. Take care of yourself: eat well, exercise, rest, and practice Kegel exercises! 

*Check out the video to learn how to do your Kegel exercises!

We want you and your doctor to consider your health maintenance needs for your overall health as a woman and a mother. Your mind can greatly benefit your body, it just needs a heads up as to what is coming. 

Now is the time to get ready to have a great birth experience and great 4th trimester. Take the steps today and the process immediately. Get up, get dressed, get sunshine, eat healthy, exercise, rest, and continue to take your prenatal vitamins. You can get the birth and 4th trimester that you desire. Join Pearently today!