Engage in Birth

How to use a birthing ball for natural labor

You want to know how to use a birthing ball for natural labor and birth. These ways will help labor naturally progress! 

These moves will not necessarily induce labor if your body is not ready, but they can help keep you on track so you don’t “get stuck” in labor or go over your due date. 

The whole purpose is to open up your pelvis, make room for baby, and help your baby get in the right position. 

Don’t stress about this PLEASE! These movements help some women in pregnancy, but some mamas don’t experience baby dropping until active labor. Don’t stress because stress can push labor away. 

What can the birth ball do for labor? The birth ball can… 

  1. Build your confidence in your body during pregnancy and birth 
  2. Help decrease the pain of labor and increase Mom’s satisfaction in the birthing process
  3. Naturally induce labor when Mom’s body/baby are ready and help labor progress at a good rate

Do these positions in pregnancy and in labor

  1. Ball bouncing
  2. Ball hip circles: clockwise, counterclockwise, and the figure eight
  3. Ball pelvic tilts (like cat – cow on the birth ball)
  4. Rocking ball hug on the floor 

Recommended birth ballhttps://amzn.to/3clkf50

Now is the time to get ready for your birth journey. Take your next step by downloading the FREE workbook below to get Annabelle’s 4 Step Process to a birth you will love to remember.

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Disclaimer: This is for educational purposes only. This should not be taken as medical advice or take the place of what your healthcare provider recommends. Please discuss any healthcare information found on this channel with your healthcare provider. Pearently exists as a source of information and knowledge and in no way can we determine whether or not any of the information is specifically best for your individual case. With that in mind, we are grateful to share this information with you and we hope that you find success in your journey to achieve a happy and healthy pregnancy, labor, and birth.

– Sincerely, Team Pearently

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